
Greetings fellow cyberhumans! My name is Seb. I’ve created this website to provide a glimpse into who I am and what I do. I'll begin with a self-portrait. This is me doing what I enjoy most, hunching over a sketchbook with a pen in hand, allowing the mind to wander. There's never really a plan, and for that reason there's no need for pencil or revision. I just accept spontaneity and let intuition do its thing.

I'm 24 years young. My birthplace and home is a small pacific island slightly north of Antarctica, named New Zealand by Dutch explorers but originally known as Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud. The environment here is magnificent and stunning. You are never far from the rugged ocean or a patch of ancient twisted bush. Usually there's a beautiful mountain or river nearby. The birds are spectacular. I'm very fortunate to have grown up here. My reservoir of inspiration is full of the shapes, forms and feelings that have stimulated my brain from the moment I was born. The world I'm a part of seeps out unconsciously in these automatic doodles.

As you will see, the images tend to be pretty odd. They’re generally a mindless arrangement of vaguely related clumps of nonsense. Total mind vomit. Sometimes the paper is attacked with a frenzy of scribbles and zig zags, sometimes the lines are placed slowly and meticulously with great consideration. Whatever the method of application, no matter the mood, I always have fun. I'm often listening to some form of music when I draw. Sometimes the effect it has on me is pretty blatant.

This carefree process provides some cool insight into life. I get to check out little fragments of my vast unconscious self. It’s therapeutic, cathartic. I’m discovering who I am. Unravelling the mystery of being alive and more specifically of being a person called Seb. Exploring a hidden universe of personality. What AM I? What is going here? The holy What-the-heck. I’m grateful to have found a hobby that encourages existential contemplation. I’ve always enjoyed drawing. Only recently have I begun to understand how positively transformative it can be.

This is what I do every single day: draw weird pictures and contemplate the nature of the self. In the past I've made clothing and zines, done commissioned work for bands and friends, had little exhibitions in coffee shops and makeshift galleries, and decorated walls with bizarre murals. Having these occasional opportunities is a blessing. For the most part though, I make things for myself and do it because I love it.